Tuesday, November 07, 2006


i've got this wing growing out of the side of my back
half of it's covered in fleece
in the midnights twin race
like the indiana 5000

women starve themselves to be thin
and tell me i mustn't get hungry
but this has what has caused the druggin my sister
this anorexic mentality

a mother misled in life
punishing her children for living
a life they did not ask for
subtle messages strewn all over their bedrooms
do this for me do this for me
no one cares about you
i brought you into this world
now let me kill you

and the brave grandmother smoking her maneshewitz
wind walter smoking jungle
tells her grandchildren to stand tall
fuck the man that gathers

there isn't much to it
and silence is overrated
but more valuable than your cheap words sassafras
keep on licking your lips for some smart
cheap boy tries to sell you a story so compelling
you lose your identity

it's not worth it to have your heels dragged through the grass
for love makes them all blathering idiots
we don't need mama to learn us that
still we hang on like its the only thing that matters

dirt and jeans go play in the meadow
don't come home for dinner
this time together is overrated
stop being such a sensitive idiot

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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...