Saturday, May 26, 2012


Albatross all week in my head 
around my neck 
about this guy, this thing, these things
and all those suffering in the world.
Because even in my lucky world
This never ends
I've been privileged for 40 years
Something my eastern sisters will strive for lives to come
As their daughters and sons get closer
I've been here forever
In the drunken haze I fall around again
a lady beautiful ensmired with my drive diligence ambition
And we laugh and talk and hug and she's gone
Los Angeles rock city  but lawyers doctors and rockers alike come to my party and share their drugs
My doctor says gluten compromises mt immune system
But cocaine strengthens my blood
Don't worry sister you may die soon but drugs will strengthen your soul.

In this drunken haze I live out my days in sunny Los Angelees

Rich succesful happy blissful
And High

The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...