Monday, October 01, 2007

El Fin De Semana

This is truly the end. I did, I tried to end this blog a few months ago, but I went back and did a couple of new entries this month, just like an old addiction, or habits from the past, but the ghost of a past lingers here that I cannot will back in my life, and does not seem to have any room in my life now. It's weird how we move on. Without even trying it seems.

I started this blog 18 months ago, perhaps to document the moments of one of the greatest rock and roll bands of all times, ZE AUTO PARTS or maybe it was to keep the vision and the dream alive, these diaries stand in faith and testament to one band only: THE MOTHER F'ING ZEITGEIST AUTO PARTS.

The complete Motor Wilson Band Diaries can be found in my personal collection, an account named, "Rock and Roll Night From Hell," which I may someday publish, but are so not yet ready for public consumption.

As Ze Auto Parts has been on indefinite hiatus for some months now, I guess I finally decided to move on, not that I gave up hope of it ever coming back, I just tired of waiting. I need to play

I'm playing guitar in my new project, currently titled Bad Mother Motor. a bad ass project, with some kick ass musicians, and some same as before musicians and I'm in this thing for the long haul.

Motor Wilson Band Diaries may or may not be over, and Ze Auto Parts may or may not be over but whichever, where ever and when ever, I will continue to write and rock for years to come.

Thanks for reading. Carry on My FRIENDS!!

Motor Wilson

The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...