Saturday, February 17, 2007

where it all took place

are you serious?
as she tried to beg her way into the club
because of her looks
she's not even on drugs

is this what my life has become
where my life has come
this tainted ugly city and it's shallow standards
reminding me of that place i grew up
back to the days of high school in a town i never claimed

but where i really grew up and blossomed like a flower
yet learned that i was
still held prisoner in so many ways
by the mentality of the masses
where i just so badly wanted to embrace
where it all took place

although knowing still I am on the right path
doing the right thing
for such little retribution
and no money
cuz it doesn't matter, but it does

but religion it interferes
these people and their views
i really don't approve

and in this city here living quiet
setting the bricks up high to fall

i'm really just done and tired and all of the above
of having to forfeit the me i really love
it's all just passing time for the bricks to continue stacking
like a collector i am of art and books and people
simple minded or closed minded in my closet
let's just all go home

Sunday, February 11, 2007

witnessing madness

witnessing madness within my mold
not a nice person
and would walk all over a kind soul
when they do nothing but love

working hard to be nice
to relax and chill out
accept yourself as a wild child
occasionally tamed by a sweet smile

but we've all got it in us
and we're all wild in our own ways
some just more blatant than others
some just wanting to prove it more than others
some getting the wild hair more than others

because me still frustrated after all these years
when i have to keep working to prove
because my eyes are wide open
and i need to get on that airplane
wearing the same t-shirt, dusty jeans, leatherboots
long hair a mess, with the locket that no one made
that cost you a million cheese
in the middle of the night
to write this mad little piece of white plight

while i sit in shorts and a robe
sipping wine on a sunday morning
in the los angeles desert rain
nails painted red
starving this ink

Sunday, February 04, 2007

tomorrow a new day

life is lonely my love and somedays no one comes
some nights your phone won't ring and you children don't call
you sleep alone out on the lawn
thinking your progressive and all
and people think your strange and mean and go on about there business
forgetting about you they're all wrapped up in themselves

like you are my love all lonely and alone
skip the boisterous loud and obnoxious american sandinistas
i will for alone is alright tonight
even though you invite youll constantly and never be right
suckined into your corporate dreams i guess
i can't describe my hopes in my screams
my art and my color and denim and gender
i'll teach and i'll write probably another poem tonight
but words can't describe what I want from this life

sadness and sand both grab and their grip
pulling into a sand castle slip
i'll go for a walk
selling these hips
tomorrow a new day will settle these trips

The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...