Sunday, August 03, 2008

I Can Barely See

I never see myself playing guitar anymore....i'm not out of the woods yet, I never see the forest for the trees.....I'm down on these knees, meant for these bees please, let me on this stage, let me smell the sweat pour down our foreheads please. Before I am so jaded and retired.
If only I could see the guitar holding so tightly on to me . Not letting me be. Not letting me sleep.
Every morning it's anxiety. No, really what is going to happen to me. Thinking it's something devastatingly deathful and untasteful. When really who really knows.
I'm tired and maybe it's just time to sleep, eat, sleep and eat some more.
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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...