Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sobriety and Compromise

I know how much I can compromise
I know how much I've done it before
I know some is required to make it get what I want, need, love

I don't care to be sober today
Though I know it's probably better that way

Want a beer, a coors light, "sweetheart?"
No, I think I'll just go and sit on the porch.

Some simple Glendale townhouse, at least it's green here
and unlike the cactii laden streets where I live

I don't want to be sober today
Though, I think I am happier this way
I am slightly hungover anyway

Yesterday was another day
She and I drunk by the pool all day
on a fucking Wednesday
under the Hollywood sign in the hills somewhere

Foreign boys in briefs, feeding on cocaine
at least she's not married, pregnant or employed
"I want to be a porn star," she says
"Jump on my back," I say
We piggy back down the hill this way.

Today is another day, he says, "Let's spend the day"
"Not fighting" we say, but I'm unhappy and annoyed just the same
I love him as he fixes his friend's bed upstairs

I'm thinking about the songs we play
and the unfinished ones in my head

We build each other up, it's the compromise I dread.

Talking about my lesbian lovers and friends
man daters disguised as man haters
these are our lover's words anyway
He loves her too, I can hear it in his voice, see it in his face
If only she'd love him the same way.

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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...