Monday, November 12, 2012

Your Mother's Tears

I can't stand your laziness
your toenails I despise
Your lack of motivation
your self loathing deprication
open doors and buzzing flies

you're sitting in the same chair
the same boat for 50 years
your hair is amiss and you're enslaved to
your fears

so put it off, another day, another week
another year

shave the years off your life with every
single misstep of misfortune

blame it on your lack of luxury
blame it on your mother's tears

We all know the truth too far gone
your life never shifts gears

you pontificate oh it will the tides are changing so you say
but never take another shiver down the silver-ladden stairs

the dark room
the sleeping till noon
the waiting waiting waiting
for someone else to take charge of your life
because you have nothing to do but pray
and wait and never ever ever change

blame it on your Mississippi mother's rage and incest saddled years
blame it on misfortune
blame it on your fears
blame it on the shifting stars
blame it on the moon
blame it on the weather
blame it on some fool
blame it on yesterday
blame it on the food
blame it on tomorrow
But me, I hate to point the finger but I

blame it on you

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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...