Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Official Hiatus

I am taking an official hiatus from writing on this site. I am tired of advertising every thought, daily dramas, stupid little little problems of band life when the state of affairs in this world are disheartening, discouraging, devastating. when there is so much suffering in the world. Humiliation, abuse, corporate evil killing innocent people, animals, wildlife, I just can't bear to share these thoughts anymore.

LOOK HERE GIRLS: Stop worrying about how your hair looks, how skinny you are, how this how that and please do something that goes beyond yourself. Stop being so self involved that you have to get addicted to drugs because you can't stand this world, or yourself. GET OVER YOURSELF, and go help someone, i don't care if you walk to raise money for AIDS or Breast Cancer, or if you join the Peace Corps. Do something. stop being so self-involved. stop fishing for accolades, for adoration, (sometimes art can seem so superficial). create art for others, not for fame. not for money. Really do it for the greater good. I am so discouraged by the self absorption of mankind. Get out of your head for once and do something good even if it's just a smile to your neighbor on the train. Day 1. Day 2 do something bigger.

In search for selfless art and to focus on the real work I do, and to do it better, I am taking an official hiatus from Motor Wilson Band Diaries, but will continue to write music,lyrics, social commentary, etc...

Please read on for all the past song entries and chronicles of band life in various form in the city of angels, Los Angeles. A city which has gripped my soul with fear, burned my heart with hate, but has allowed me to grow as an artist and a person. I love you Los Angeles.

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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...