Thursday, November 17, 2011

Of Withdrawing and Creation

This is exactly what I need
I've got insight and ideas brimming at my knees
I've got memories and dramas of things I once believed
I've got rhythm and blues and a blouse that needs hemming
shoes that are scuffed and ladies in waiting

This is exactly what I need

I've got the things which no longer deserve my time
but that which I still deliver
people and places, creations and things
manifestations of projects I did as a fling
prolific he calls it
though others may call it flighty

I've got to keep moving
on and on away from things which hold me back
keep me in place by fear of withdrawing 
a fear of withdrawing
And continue this creation

I've got songs coming out of my left ear and each shoe
I've got a message in a bottle that says
"I am going to eat you"
I've got movies and books and words galore
I've got business ideas that'll deplete you to the floor
so let's stop this madness this mayhem this biting
let's stop this insulting, general hating and fighting

Eat your veggies if you want desert
and be the last one standing if you want to get there first
And stop lying to yourself that all the rest matters
accept the truth as it hits you face like a mad hatter
Sing the songs out loud at the top of your lungs
And feed your babies the best food even if it means moving on

And as my mother told me once,
"Follow the road that is in front of you"
It's there if you look, right there in front of you
Forming, can you see it with your every move.

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The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...