Monday, September 24, 2007

A Damn Good Rehearsal

For two days, going out of my mind, crazy, within four walls and my mind

till it hit it's peak right before I knew what it was going to do
my heart going crazy, did you smoke enough cigarettes today you crazy lady

"when i used to go out i'd know everyone i saw,
now i go out alone, if i go out at all"

no, i need a drink i say to soothe this madness but really the calm came when from within i reached for the guitar
plugged it into it's soul, sweating with fear, nauseas with fear until
the loud sounds came crashing down, out of my guitar, out of their guitars, out of our guitars, heavy like blood gushing, and i knew the words, cuz i wrote them god dammit.
there is nothing that can cure the madness cut the tension like rocking out with a band of heavy metal musicians heavy metal madness who knew it was in me who knew it'd be who i'd one day become embrace
who knew it'd fucking save me

So, I'm Writing Here Again

Because I feel honored, and lucky to know. And I don't want to fall into old patterns and the familiar trap. Now I know, Play music Mou. That is all you can do.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

the suspense is killing me

Boys and legs and rain flooding these islands
the suspense is killing me and i'm tired of waiting for tomorrow
which will be here eventually

today, feeling so restless i had to release these words
some callous bitch who dared me to beg, dared me to wish
dared me, oh please,
when it's the dude next door and his sexy sexy hair it's gotta be good

so instead i drink i drink i drink margaritas with the sexy bartender boy
a piranha sister with my little secret potion that makes them all fall

it's really a joke but you know there is a sea of world out there of boys
and men
i reckon i'll see them soon
cuz i wouldn't have it any other way

The Glorious Burn

I'm angry and they say it's the stress Something traumatic from the day I left there No it had nothing to do with the Years of snort...